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Insurance Council of New Jersey

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    We like to keep our clients and colleagues well informed on all our new endeavors as our success will only afford you the same opportunities.  There are many new exciting things going on at Claims Alliance, and March has been no exception.

    Growth has been a popular word around here lately, because that is what best describes the last month at Claims Alliance.  Our President and CEO, Linda Reina, has been marketing diligently and her thirst for expansion has obviously paid off.  We have welcomed several new clients over the past months, but this month we are happy to welcome our largest client to date.  We are excited to show how our stringent and expeditious processes of cost containment will benefit this client’s case handling.  We hope that their success will radiate to show other carriers and firms how serious we are when it comes to providing the most cost effective, consistent product available.

    We are also happy to announce that Claims Alliance is now a proud member of the National Association of Professional Women.  Linda will be attending an event on Friday, April 25, 2014 to honor Robin Roberts of Good Morning America and her many contributions and accomplishments.  We are eager to work with this organization and look forward to having a long and successful professional relationship.

    Our networks continue to grow through such outlets as Twitter and LinkedIn, and we are constantly adding new things to our website.  We have established many professional contacts that we look forward to working with in the near future, and continue to create more and more effective business relationships.

    As always, we are constantly adding experts to our panel, both in and out of the medical spectrum.  Hiring and credentialing experts is a staple in our daily workflow, allowing us to provide an array of services encompassing all aspects of cost containment and case handling. 

    March has proven to be more than a stepping stone in our professional journey, but a monument to say the least.  Our thirst to provide a cost effective and consistent product has exponentially laid the path for our success and the success of our clients.  At Claims Alliance, March comes in like a lion, and leaves as one too.


    As always, we like to keep our clients and colleagues up to date on what is new and exciting here at Claims Alliance, and February fit perfectly into that trend.

    To begin, we are happy to announce we are now an approved Professional Review Organization for the State of Pennsylvania.  Pursuant to an Order by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we strive to remain an independent, unbiased party when performing Peer Reviews.  Our records are kept in the strictest of confidentiality.  We endeavor to focus on the reasonableness and necessity of care, the appropriateness of the setting in which care is delivered and the quality of care rendered. 

    We are excited to welcome Megan McGrath to our staff.  Megan has previous experience and education in the medical field.  She is already proving her worth and then some, we feel she makes an excellent addition to Claims Alliance.

    We also attended the South Jersey Claims Association Networking Event on February 26, 2014.  Although we are very new to this organization, we were welcomed with open arms by everyone attending.  The speakers’ presentations were very informative and we look forward to attending more events. 

    Additionally, we have unveiled several new links within our website, including the “Our Alliance” page.  Here clients can browse beneficial services normally outside the scope of simple cost containment.  Our hope is to provide clients with the ability to encompass all aspects of a file within one streamlined experience.  You can learn more about what our featured experts can offer you including intelligence services, PPO services, audits, bill reviews and intelligence services.  We urge you to take a moment to look into how these additional products can aid in your case handling.

    Our other resources, including Twitter ad LinkedIn, continue to grow and prove their effectiveness.  We have found that these lines of connection have given us the power to offer more, not only to clients, but also to colleagues, to provide a stronger and more effective product.  Please visit us on either of these outlets.

    February has been a great milestone in our professional journey, and we are anxious to see what the coming months hold.  As always, we are constantly adding experts to our nationwide panel, creating more and more integral contacts, and implementing methods to improve our workflow.  We look forward to our future with you.


    There are always new and exciting things going on at Claims Alliance, and the month of January has been no exception. We like to keep our clients informed on our new endeavors as our success will afford you the same opportunities.

    We are proud to announce that we have joined the South Jersey Claims Association and look forward to meeting all of the members. Also, we have become fellows of the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance of New York. Becoming a part of these associations allows us to create a larger professional network providing a wider range of services available to our clients nationwide. Links to these associations are posted below for more information.

    There are also several new things going on within the office. Our new space in Bedminster, NJ has been running and functional since December 2, 2013 and we are very happy here. Our website has been launched and we have added several new items to it. We are in the process of adding a page to our website titled “Our Alliance” on which you can learn more about our associates outside the scope of medical experts including investigative services, intelligence professionals, PPO services, and audits and bill reviews. Also added to our website is information on our subrogation and recovery services. We urge you to check out all of these new additions as we feel they are beneficial services in claims handling.

    Our Twitter page is now active and our following is growing rapidly. We have been using this resource to post updates about our company, events we are attending, and any news that is pertinent to our field of practice. Our hope is to utilize this outlet to educate carriers, attorneys, and insurance professionals on anything that may have an effect on business practices or the insurance world itself. We also hope to connect with more individuals who can benefit from our services, or who can help to benefit our clients by connecting with us. The link to our Twitter page is also listed below, we look forward to sharing our experiences with you.

    January has been an eventful start to a new year that only holds bigger and better things for us and our clients. Along with the aforementioned, we are adding new experts to our panel every day, creating more and more beneficial contacts, and implementing methods to create a more streamlined workflow. We have several events coming in the following months, including the Walk to Washington ICNJ Dinner at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC. We anticipate greatness in 2014, and are excited to share this journey with all of you

  • Our Professional Bio on LinkedIn

    As President and CEO of Claims Alliance, as with all her past endeavors, Linda is continuously striving to provide the highest quality service and products to her clients by providing a knowledgeable hands on approach to all her work in an efficient and cost effective manner. Linda and her staff provide a full line of cost containment services for her clients. Claims Alliance and its colleagues have also combined forces to provide carriers and attorneys with the ability to fully encompass all areas of claims defense. This is including but not limited to medical cost containment, fraud investigation and recovery services. Linda is renowned for her exceptional work ethic, and has become a familiar name in the insurance industry. At Claims Alliance, we provide a sincere commitment to our clients and stand with them through every step of the claims process. Please contact Claims Alliance, LLC to discuss how we can become an integral and efficient part of your success.

  • Record Rail Launches

    We are proud to introduce our Record Rail Service. In today’s fast paced world, regular email and fax can seem cumbersome when timeliness matters most. Additionally, with HIPAA Compliance and Identity Protection so critical, it can sometimes become a burden to securely forward documents. Because of this, Claims Alliance has created the Record Rail Service. Click here to utilize this secure record transfer service.

  • We are now on Twitter!

    Claims Alliance is now on Twitter! Follow us for all of our latest updates, breaking news within the Insurance Industry and any upcoming events! Click here to view our profile.

  • Our Location

  • PO Box 268, 262 Somerville Road, Bedminster, NJ 07921
    201.373.2254 | 1-516-210-6005

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